Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stay at home mom

Every day I have the opportunity to stay home with my son Benjamin. Because Rob and I were accustomed to living on two incomes I decided to try to earn some extra money and provide socialization for Ben by caring for another child. I now have 2 babies at my house every day. Fortunately they can be pretty easy going little boys, however they have their moments.

Right now I am listening to the sweet sound of silence because both of them are napping. However, I just got done trying to calm the storm just a short while ago. Both of them were very tired and wanting me to hold them and/or help them to get to sleep. They were quite upset. I had to take turns holding and comforting the two and fortunately it only lasted a few minutes, though it did feel like a lot longer. Fortunately that does not happen very often. Thank the Lord. The first day that I cared for them both I was walking on egg shells wondering when that would happen because I knew it was inevitable.

Most days they nap at the same time which gives me the opportunity to finish some of the chores around the house and clean up the messes we make with the toys.

Ben is now trying very hard to learn how to crawl. He gets up on his hands and knees and sometimes on his hands and feet with his bottom clear up in the air. He is going to figure this out very soon and probably give me a run for my money.

I am just so glad that I am able to work at home and be with my son every day and that he has a little play mate as well.

Monday, May 5, 2008


A couple of weeks ago at church I was trying to listen to the message and of course my little son wanted to chime in some messages of his own during church. I took him to the mother's room and was sitting there by myself wondering why I bothered to come. (feeling sorry for myself) I could still hear what was going on, but it's no fun to sit there alone. Then Ben looked up at me and grinned, and I began thinking about last year and about how I feared (before I learned I was pregnant) that I would never have a chance to be a mother. I got over my feeling sorry for myself very quickly and thanked God for my son. This is such a short time that he will be a baby and I will never get it back again. I will cherish this time.

After awhile someone else came in and during prayer time I had someone to pray with after all.